On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 10:10:46PM +0100, Edward Toroshchin wrote:

> I strongly suspect that your terminal emulator has been updated
> together with mutt, and it now renders the colors differently.

I almost always use mutt from within screen.  Screen last changed
2012-11-20, and I rebooted for the 3.12.1 kernel 9 days ago (this
reboot was for 3.12.2), and it has been working fine since.

There has been one other change which I didn't think related.  I am
using a company Mac laptop to ssh to my system, and it changed this
week to 10.9 from 10.[678], I forget which.  Today's reboot was the
first time I have ssh'ed in and started screen from the 10.9 Mac.

How much of the Mac's Terminal environment does the remote system
inherit when I ssh in?  I know sometimes the ^H and/or DEL key acts
differently, depending on where I ssh'd from when I start new screen

It's not the new Mac's interpretation of the linux screen colors, I am
sure, because I have been using the new Mac for several days with the
same colors as with the old Mac.  If this Mac change has any part in
the color change, it's in combination with the mutt change or it's
because it changed what it passes to the remote screen command.

I have a Linux laptop too, not with me now, and I will see tomorrow if
restarting screen after ssh from it behaves differently.

There is one advantage to this awful color scheme.  Mac 10.9 has
goofed up Spaces (their primitive virtual desktop spaces) so that
instead of using Apple-[1-9] to go directly to the page of your
choice, you click on an icon from a filmstrip-like list of their
icons.  At least this mutt session sticks out easier :-)

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
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