* On 18 Sep 2014, Mark Filipak wrote: 
> On 2014/9/18 4:27 PM, David Champion wrote:
> > * On 18 Sep 2014, Mark Filipak wrote: 
> >> How is mutt with multi-mega-byte mboxes? Have you found that having tens
> >> of thousands of messages in a single box is dangerous?
> >>
> >> Thank You.
> > 
> > [473/130]$ du -sh /var/mail/dgc
> > 466M    /var/mail/dgc
> > 
> > I only have ~25k messages in my inbox right now.  I used to keep 50-60k,
> > but now I turn a new leaf every spring.
> And you're using mbox? Not maildir?

Correct.  I've used mutt on mboxes even larger too -- maybe 200-300k
messages, a gigabyte or two in size.  Not often; this is usually a
temporary arrangement, like when I want to look at a whole year's worth
of mail at once.  But 25k messages is daily routine.  I've used mutt
for 15 or 16 years and I don't recall ever losing mail due to software

Memory usage for mutt on my inbox:
[477/148]$ ps -eorss,vsz,comm | grep mutt
41784  44280 mutt

So ~43mb virtual, mostly paged in, for 466M of mail in 25k messages.

David Champion • d...@bikeshed.us

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