Aha! I'm sorry. I misinterpreted your reply. You mean I have to
create an application-specific password to use IMAP once I've enabled
2-factor authentication. (I don't know where I got "authentification"
from ... fingers on auto-pilot, I guess.)

I've done this.  I created an application password just for mutt that allows 
mutt to bypass Google's two-step verification.

I encrypted it with openssl with my normal email password, so now mutt asks me 
for the aes-256 password at startup and it's the same effectively as typing in 
my email password once per session.

To encrypt the password I entered this on the commandline (OS X):

       openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -out pw.txt -in cleartext.txt
       (openssl then prompts your for an encryption password)

and in my muttrc file I wrote:

       set imap_pass = `openssl aes-256-cbc -salt -d -in ~/.mutt/pw.txt`
       set smtp_pass = $imap_pass

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