Rejo Zenger wrote:
> ++ 31/03/15 11:47 -0700 - Kevin J. McCarthy:
> >I've been working on this patch series for a while, and finally
> >committed it to the repository yesterday.  For those of you who would
> >like to "encrypt by default" and don't mind compiling from the
> >repository, please check it out.
> To get a copy of your code, I just need to clone the "default" branch from
> the Mercurial repository?

Yes, it's in the default branch in the Mercurial repository.

> I haven't had a look at the code yet, but can you explain how it does work
> (e.g. how does it determine when there's a key for a recipient on the
> keyring and encrypting is feasable and when it is not)?

It uses the same routines that Mutt uses when you go to send a message,
but it takes away any prompting.  It looks for an email-address match
(or crypt-hook with a key) for each recipient.  If all recipients have a
key, it enables encryption.  Otherwise it disables encryption.

This happens whenever the To, Cc, or Bcc list is edited, or when the
message is edited if $edit_headers is set.

A word of caution though, this patch series significantly changed the
code that ticket 3727 applies to, so I doubt that patch will apply
without some re-working.

> Additionaly, may I draw your attention to these two tickets:
>  - <>, which is patch to allow for
> encryption to multiple keys based on a single recipient (which is    usefull
> when sending encrypted mail to mailinglist with a static set    of
> subscribers)
>  - <>, which is a bugreport for a
> case in which users are not able to read application/pgp-encrypted
>    attachments (unless the user saves the attachments and runs gpg and
> openssl manually on the saved message part)

Thanks for opening the tickets.  I can't guarantee a timeline, but I'll
put those on my radar to look at.


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