As you can see by mail subject I noticed this unexpected behavoiur.
Follows my folder_format setting from muttrc.
set folder_format = "%2C %t %-50.50f %N %20.20d"

%N should mean: "show N flag for mailboxes containing "New" mail messages"

Thanks in advance to "Francesco Ariis" who replied:

> This is really, *really* weird. If you are using maildirs, do those
> folders have files in <your-folder>/new/ subdirectory (upon new mail
> arrival)? Do other clients (sylpheed, etc.) recognise new mail?

1- I'm using just mutt at this time... No other mail client a part
   mailx. (yes, I've used KMail/Akonadi for a long, but not for local

2- My email config:

all mailboxes are in mbox format (at now) not in maildir format.
I have many mailboxes, filled using fetchmail/procmail.

~/Mail ----> Mail directory containing mailboxes
mailbox3    ---> Mailboxes in mbox format not maildir

3- When I'm in "Index Menu" I can view "N" flags near new messages as
   expected... Seems N flags disappears just in "browser menu".

Thanks in advance!

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