On 15Jan2016 09:20, Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> wrote:
On 14Jan2016 16:23, James <jamesze...@gmail.com> wrote:
I know this borders being a vim question, but I was hoping for some
clarification on why my emails look strange on some clients.

Sound llike you want format=flowed, of which there has been some recent discussion. This message is so formatted. Examine it on your iPhone etc.

Oh yes, in addition to my vim settings I use these mutt settings:

 set reflow_text=yes
 set reflow_wrap=-4
 set text_flowed=yes

Also have a read of RFC3676 which covers this:


Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>

The essence of this format is that (a) you fold text lines somewhere suitable for common fixed-width dumb paging of the text (i.e. <80 columns, typically 72 or so) so that non-format-flowed readers are happy and (b) you mark all lines which are not the end of the paragraph as reflowable by leaving a trailing space on the end (flowed-aware readers can then reflow the paragraph to fit the display - mutt and the iPhone both do this).

I set mutt's $editor variable to my "vim-flowed" script, which invokes vim with useful settings, specificly "set formatoptions=waqj". See:


You may want to use this directly or to integrate these with your normal options for purposes of retaining your finger feel.

As a software developer I use vim every day without issue; here are
the relevant settings that may be causing my heartache:

" autocomment, set formatoptions
" t = autowrap to textwidth
" c = autowrap to textwidth, add comment leader
" r = auto-comment after <enter>
" o = auto-comment with 'o' or 'O'
" q = allow formating of comments with 'gq'
" l = don't format existing lines
" n = format numbered lists
" 2 = auto-indent based on second line of paragraph
" 1 = don't break lines after a one-letter word; break before
set formatoptions=tcroqln21
set textwidth=78

Thanks for these - I'll read them and see if they can improve my crude vim environment.

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au>


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