* Erik Christiansen on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 21:52:40 +1100
> On 26.03.16 10:02, Christian Ebert wrote:
>> * Erik Christiansen on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 19:54:16 +1100
>>> To return to a mailbox which was read earlier in the mutt session,
>>> in the index, press 'c' to initiate a mailbox change, then either:
>>> a) type in the full name of the desired mailbox,
>>> b) type a few characters, then hit <tab> for autocompletion,
>>> c) if b) meets multiple alternatives, hit <tab> again, for a list.
>>> d) hit <up-arrow>, to cycle through visited mailboxes, till you're back.
>> e) hit - to go back to the previously visited mailbox
> OK, but that is d) mapped to a different key.

No it isn't, the binding is 'c' as you wrote above for
<change-folder> which presents the 'Open mailbox' prompt. When I
enter - at the prompt it takes me back to the previous folder,
very much like cd does.

> Incidentally,
> here '-' gives:   "Key is not bound.  Press '?' for help."

No, 'c', and then - at the prompt.

> I'm on Mutt 1.5.21, and default bindings may have changed since then.
> (I have no binding for <up> in the index, so d) would seem to be
> default.)

<up> the prompt goes up in history, it's not a command binding,
and will show you what you previously entered (somewhat like in a
shell), entering - at the prompt will not present the previously
visited mailbox, only '-', will not expand by hitting tab, but
after hitting enter take me to the previous mailbox.

\black\trash movie    _MORALISK  ANSTALT_
                        "Nix verstanden."

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