On Fri, Jul 15, 2016 at 11:37:18PM +0200, famfop wrote:
I solved it the following way. I wanted to have a "startup-mailbox"
folder with unread messages. Using mairix I set up the "maildir" and
"mfolder" var in the rc and now I run mairix F:-s. It's a bit hacky but
it shows all unread messages. Maybe you'll find a solution by digging
into mairix
In any way I'd say the way to go is indexing your mailfolders.

Thanks for the suggestion - I'll look into this. I basically have three folders for each account into which mail is sorted automatically - Inbox, Spam, and Unsure - and I'd like to be able to quickly monitor the number of new messages in each when working in the MUA so I know whether to bother looking at Unsure or not. I'll see if something like mairix can provide this. It seems like the built-in mutt functionality <should> be able to do this but maybe my expectations need recalibration.


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