Dear Christoph,

* Christoph Biedl <> [2016-07-23 10:29]:
> Peter P. wrote ...
> > When sending encrypted mail from mutt using gpg I do get the following
> > error message from gpg:
> > 
> > gpg: DBG: syscall(getrandom) not supported; errno = 38
> > 
> > The mail is sent nevertheless, but I am wondering why the error message
> > is there. A quick online search did not bring up something and I was
> > womdering if this list could help me, or tell me where to ask next.
> Came across that message somewhere else, investigated and decided to
> share as your question shows up when searching it in the net, but no
> explanations.
> Executive summary: It's harmless, and it will go away in the future.
Thank you! Indeed that was my experience (and I forgot to report back to
this list).
> Full story: A while ago, the kernel learned a new syscall "getrandom"
> that eases access to random data, something always needed when
> dealing with cryptography. The gpg programm uses the libgcrypt library
> which tries to use that syscall first, which is a good thing. Upon
> failure, it emits that warning, and falls back to the old style of
> gaining random data. Which is not perfect but it worked the last
> years.
> Code:
> That syscall was introduced around kernel 3.16 but the Debian jessie
> kernel appearently does not have it yet. The change in libgcrypt was
> after 1.6.3 (as in Debian jessie) and at 1.7.2 (as in Debian stretch)
> the latest. I can trigger the message in Debian by running gpg on a
> jessie kernel (3.16) inside a stretch chroot.
> As soon as you'll switch to a newer kernel, libgcrypt will be happy
> again.
As happy as I am today ;)
Thanks for your kind explanation!


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