On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 20:23:49 -0400, dale wrote:
> On 07/28/2016 07:39 PM, dale wrote:
> >On 07/28/2016 04:10 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >>On 2016-07-28, dale <d...@dalekelly.org> wrote:
> >>
> >>>I get a reply from my ISP when I try to directly send, no message when I
> >>>use SMTP
> >>
> >>How do you "directly send" without using SMTP?
> >>
> >
> >with the default sending mechanism that came with it before I configured
> >SMTP variables

I believe the default is to use the "sendmail" command to submit the
message to the local mail delivery system.  (But it sounds like the
local delivery system is unable to actually send the outgoing message,
presumably because it is trying to use the smtp port in its delivery
attempts, too.)

> note that I can use the same SMTP configuration in thunderbird, icedove 
> and agent

If those programs are able to send outgoing email successfully, check
their configuration carefully.  Most likely they are configured to use
the "submission" port (587) instead of the "smtp" port (25) (and your
ISP allows traffic to the former but not the latter). 


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