On Sat, May 06, 2017 at 07:49:49PM +0800, Yubin Ruan wrote:
> Can anyone tell me what is the command of group-reply?
> Whenever replying a email with multiple `Cc' and recipents, I usually want to
> reply to all of them. This can be achieved by "Reply-to-all" in some mail
> clients. In Mutt, that is a single `g' in the pager.
> But as I have binded 'g'  to another command, I have to bind the group-reply
> command to another key. How can I achieve that?

You can bind it to whatever key you want if you're not going to use the
default binding.

In hindsight, I wish I had rebound less stuff and just learned to use
Mutt's bindings when I first started. But as someone who had used Pine
for a while, I bound 'g' to cycle between mailboxes, and I use 'R' for
group reply. You could use capital G or whatever other binding is
convenient for you.

bind pager R group-reply
bind index R group-reply


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