On 22.05.17 03:49, Yubin Ruan wrote:
> How to view email in external editor such as VIM?

Hello time-traveller,

Yes, via "set pager= ...". The manual has an example which sets it only
for one mail folder:

message-hook ~A 'set pager=builtin'
message-hook '~f freshmeat-news' 'set pager="less \"+/^  subject: .*\""'

Would you invoke "vim -R" or "view", to somewhat reduce the risk of
corrupting received mail through finger fumbles? Hey, maildir format
might have an advantage at last - the received mails could be owned by
"mail", with write permission denied, but you could own the directory,
so you can delete the files despite not owning them. There are such neat
ways to do things on *nix.


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