On 18Feb2018 13:05, DGSJ <audo...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have observed, in distribution lists like this one of mutt for example,
when a big number of messages are deleted at the same time with D,
the administrator of the list unsuscribes you due to an excessive
rebound. It happens even with already read messages.

Then your "D" is doing something different from mine. Mine runs "<delete-pattern>", whihc jst removes messages matching a pattern. That is an entirely _local_ operation, removing messages from your mail folder.

The list admin and the list never know anything about it.

In the index view, when you type "?" to show the key bindings, what is "D" bound to?

If you are getting other effects, your "D" key must be doing something else.

With other mail clients, If you first read or open the message and then
delete it, regardless of the number of deleted messages no rebound
issues are found. But with mutt, the option D seems to be interpreted
as unread and deleted message, causing a rebound.

Not normally the case. Please check to see what your "D" key is bound to.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au> (formerly c...@zip.com.au)

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