On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 02:56:37PM -0400, Ben Boeckel wrote:
> I've been experiencing this for a while and I'd like to get to the
> bottom of it. When starting `mutt`, sometimes it hangs for a long time
> before drawing the UI (input is appropriately buffered though). Is there
> some network call done on startup or other I/O (`strace` shows that it
> is in the middle of a `poll` call when it is hanging) that might be
> timing out? Currently using 1.10.1, but I've been seeing it for a while
> now, so it isn't new behavior.

Mutt performs a DNS lookup using gethostname() and getaddrinfo() to try
to find out the host's FQDN.  If you are hanging, it could be this is
not configured correctly.

Adding a line to /etc/hosts with a FQDN may help:  rotor.yourdomain rotor

See also https://muttmua.gitlab.io/mutt/manual-dev.html#hostname
although setting that does not change the startup behavior because the
muttrc is processed afterwards.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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