On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 10:37:02PM +0000, Nuno Silva wrote:
> > Yes, I did not think I needed to say this explicity, but it also
> > explains why:  Because that usage is the one that corresponds to the
> > stated purpose of those fields.  As such it is the obvious, and should
> > be preferred, way to use them on replies.  Using the fields the way
> > they are intended to be used, to me, adheres to the principle of least
> > surprise.
> Can't what is the least surprising to you be more surprising to somebody
> else?

In general?  Of course.  But not in this particular context, no.  The
RFC is the spec, and being logically consistent with the spec is the
only "least surprising" that matters.

[There is of course the case where the spec is logically inconsistent
with itself.  That's another matter.]

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