On 13Dec2018 23:15, Victor Sudakov <v...@sibptus.ru> wrote:
I have over 400 mboxes in my ~/Mail directory, some of them being
mailing list archives, others being Usenet groups archives, or mboxes inherited from my decommissioned CommuniGate server.

My dovecot configuration is simple: "mail_location = 

If I knew how to convert all this stuff to Maildir storage... Do I have to convert all of them at once?

You don't need to do them all at once, or all at all!

I keep my archive folders as mbox and several of my bulky and rarely visited folders as mbox, with the active folders (eg my "python" and "mutt" folders) as Maildir.

Others have spoken of preserving attributes (read, flagged, etc). You get all of this by using mutt itself to perform the conversion. Basic scheme:

- make an empty maildir
- open the mbox with mutt
- save all messages to the maildir
- close mutt

Now you have an empty mbox and a new Maildir with the same messages. Sounds tedious? You can script this. See this script:


which converts Maildir to mbox (I was going the other way). It would be trivial to adapt it to convert mbox to Maildir. If you're rolling your own script you will be particularly interested in the mutt incantation in the middle:

 mutt -n -F /dev/null -f "$mailbox" -e "set sort=mailbox-order; set confirmappend=no; set delete=yes; push 

That is all on one line, in case the email folds it up. In the incantation $mailbox is the source Maildir folder and $mailboxtmp is the target mbox file. The latter is a scratch file, renamed to the original if everything going smoothly; you will see the script itself does a fair bit of sanity checking toavoid accidents.

You would reverse that, in that $mailbox would be a source mbox file and $mailboxtmp with be a shiny new Maildir folder.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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