Hi -- I apologize if I missed the discussion in the archives, but was
wondering if anyone here has suggestions for a single tool that I can
run locally on macos to accomplish the following independent but related

        - Sync a local mail store, built atop postgres, from its
          authoritative representation in gmail. Sync should rebuild
          efficiently from source in the event that the local copy is
        - Provide a sane and accessible postgres schema for mail so I can
          connect directly via psql or other tools and query mail directly,
          filtering by headers and bodies (attachments not so important)
        - Provide an IMAP server on localhost to be mutt's interface to the
          postgres mailstore.
        - Provide an SMTP server or sendmail-like command line interface for
          mutt to use to send mail

I currently use the mbox format, fetchmail, procmail, and msmtp, but it
is a bit unwieldy and doesn't give me the SQL search interface I'd like.

I realize that in a sense the server/tool I'm looking for has nothing to
do with mutt per se, but I imagine that if anyone is likely to have
built or found something like this, it'd be mutt users.


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