On Tue, 29 Oct 2019 14:50:05 -0400
Patrick Shanahan <p...@opensuse.org> wrote:

> * Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> [10-29-19 13:10]:
> > On 2019-10-28, Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:  
> > > El día lunes, octubre 28, 2019 a las 04:50:40p. m. -0500, Derek
> > > Martin escribió: 
> > >> > FWIW, I (as a mutt user for 15++ years) do not need this.
> > >> > Thanks  
> > >> 
> > >> Perhaps not, but the fact that it keeps coming up here is pretty
> > >> clear indication that it's a feature that would be useful to a
> > >> lot of people...  
> > >
> > > Well, do you speak for you or for a 'lot of people'? Who they
> > > are?  
> > 
> > Muttdown (a "sendmail" filter) which creates mutlipart alternative
> > html/text messages is the only reason I've been able to continue to
> > use mutt for the past 5-6 years.  About 90% of the people to whom I
> > send email can't deal with plaintext only. The display of plaintext
> > is butchered horribly by Outlook, 

This is sadly, absolutely true. It's beyond frustrating to format an
email carefully in ASCII text and then have it look like a telegram
from Charles Manson by the time Outlook is done with it.

> > and using plaintext-only makes me
> > look incompetent because I can't send an easy-to-read email (the
> > recipient has to save it as a text file and open it with notepad++
> > in a fixed font for it to be readable).  
> so you cater to people who have no idea, and cannot be bothered.

Which is probably 99.9% of everybody in corp. offices worldwide.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for HTML support in mutt. HTML
has absolutely no place in email. But I do understand the problem very
well after doing some contracting for big corporations and realizing
100s of millions of Windows victims can barely use a computer at all
and email is just the tip of the iceberg.

My solution is to use something other than mutt in those cases. There
is no way to win...


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