Regarding the following, written by "Stefan Hagen" on 2019-11-01 at 08:53 Uhr 
While I was able to just write an email and send it, it is now a process of carefully "coding" an email, previewing, correcting, previewing, sending...

There's a lot of good things to be said about carefully crafting emails!

Regardless, to most of us who've been writing text/plain emails all of our lives, using ASCII characters for emphasis and hand-crafting numbered and itemised lists, Markdown will hardly even have a learning curve.

The only thing to watch out for is the "false positives", like I had the other day when part of an email of mine was interpreted by pandoc to be LaTeX math. I've since disabled the pandoc extension in [my script I use with mutt][1], though there remain quite a number of extensions allowing for funky corner case surprises, especially in quotes from other people! Fun times ahead!


@martinkrafft |
"america may be unique in being a country which has leapt
 from barbarism to decadence without touching civilization."
                                                      -- john o'hara

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