Hello. The command is detach-file (bound to D by default). I would like to prevent mutt from deleting the main message, as I will probably never find myself wanting to invalidate emails this way--but I *might* find myself accidentally pressing the wrong keyboard key and deleting with no recourse an entire, painstakingly composed message.

Not that such a thing happened five minutes ago or anything...

Anyway, is there a way to do this? Ideally, I would like to prevent detachment of the main message completely (e.g. by never detaching attachment #1). If this is not possible, perhaps there is a quadoption to confirm before detaching *anything* (couldn't find one), a configurable list of MIME types that cannot be detached (likewise), or even just a way to force mutt to leave the main message in $tmpdir and not delete it immediately?

Please help!  Thank you.

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