On Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 04:44:07PM +0300, Oleg A. Mamontov wrote:
I use the following approach for the same problem but with mbsync:
folder-hook . "source ~/.mutt/on-folder-change"

where ~/.mutt/on-folder-change has the below content:
set record = ^
set my_folder = `echo $record | sed 's|.*/||' | sed 's|\\.|/|g'`
macro index,pager <esc>o ":unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>clear; printf '# syncing =$my_folder\\n\\n'; 
mbsync full:$my_folder<enter>:set wait_key<enter>" "sync current folder"

I know, it looks a bit creepy but works pretty well :)

At least I understand what you're doing, more or less :-) Thanks for your solution. I'll stand by in case someone posts something a bit more straightforward (which I think might not exist.)

José María (Chema) Mateos || https://rinzewind.org

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