On Wed, Aug 03, 2022 at 10:12:39AM -0400, hy...@nasalinux.net wrote:
So, even though I have renumbered all of my emails to be 1-10000, mutt
still sees the deleted former-email numbered 56789 and uses that in the
"next message number" process.

I'm pretty sure I can fix it by changing the "dep++;" line to "next;"

I'm just wondering if there is any reason to (or not to) propogate this
change into the source.

In other words ... was this done on purpose ... and if so, why?

Hi hymie,

I'll have to take a closer look when I have time.

The mh code pre-dates my involvement in Mutt and I haven't touched it all that much.

Perhaps Mutt was concerned about a client that might "undelete" by just removing the leading ',', but I don't know without more research.

If there are no other responses here, feel free to post to mutt-dev too, and I'll try to make some time to take a look at this.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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