On 31Aug2022 18:06, David Lowry-Duda <da...@lowryduda.com> wrote:
>>I have a pretty weird way of composing replies and new messages: I like
>>to be able to detach from the new message window. So I compose in a
>>separate tmux session.
>If you compose directly in mutt+vim without composing in a separate 
>tmux window, does it work? (I would assume so, as I use mutt+vim and 
>format flowed works fine).


>I don't quite understand how your composing system works well enough to 
>have a more meaningful comment.

The essential problem is that I run a separate mutt instance using "mutt 
-H" on a copy of my message template. The manual does say that 
$text_flowed has no effect then, but I seem to have no other way to 
apply the needed header - adding it by hand during composition is 

I _might_ do better adding it to the copy before starting the separate 
mutt; I'll see if that works.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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