Source: Reuters 

Here is a timeline charting some key moments of tension between INDIA &

* August 14, 1947: Muslim Pakistan is formed from partition of India at
end of British colonial rule, amid bloodletting between Hindus and

* Oct 1947: The two countries fight their first war over Kashmir, after
its Hindu ruler opts to join secular India rather than Islamic Pakistan.

* Jan 1949: U.N. Security Council-ordered ceasefire takes effect in

* September 1965: Second war over disputed Kashmir region. Combat ends
after U.N. calls for ceasefire.

* December 1971: Third India-Pakistan war over East Pakistan. It ends
with surrender of 90,000 Pakistani troops and leads to creation of
Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.

* Dec 1989: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front rebels kidnap daughter of
Indian home minister, demand five separatist leaders are freed for her
release. The government gives in, in a move seen as a major boost for
separatist groups.

* Jan 1990: Indian army kills 38 people in Srinagar, Kashmir's summer
capital, during protest against crackdown on separatism. More than
40,000 people are reported killed in ensuing insurgency over the next 14
years. India says Pakistan arms and trains guerrillas. Islamabad denies
the charge.

* May 1998: Soon after Hindu nationalist-led alliance takes power, India
holds its first nuclear tests in Rajasthan, near Pakistan border.
Pakistan responds with six tests.

* December 2001: Gunmen attack Indian parliament. India blames
Pakistan-based Kashmiri militants, Pakistan denies this. India cuts air,
rail and road links and pulls out diplomatic staff.

* Jan 2002: India masses hundreds of thousands of troops on border.
Pakistan follows suit, raising specter of another war.

* November 2003: Pakistan announces ceasefire in Kashmir. India accepts
and truce takes effect on November 26.

* June 2004: The two agree to set up nuclear hotline, renew ban on
nuclear testing, re-open Karachi and Bombay consulates and restore size
of New Delhi and Islamabad embassies.

* July 2006: Bomb blasts in India's financial capital Mumbai kill more
than 180 people. Peace talks are canceled after Indian government blames
Pakistan-based militants.

* Sept: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and then Pakistan President
Pervez Musharraf agree to resume dialogue. Indian police later say
Pakistani military's Inter-Services Intelligence and the Lashkar-e-Taiba
militant group were behind the Mumbai bombings. Pakistan promises to act
if proof is given.

* Nov 26, 2008: Attackers launch wave of gun and grenade assaults on
Mumbai landmarks, killing more than 120 people.

* Nov 27: Singh says militant groups based in India's neighbors, usually
an allusion to Pakistan, probably carried out the Mumbai assaults.
Pakistani Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani condemns the attacks, and
Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba militant group denies playing any role in
the bloodshed.

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