Hey Jeevi - graphics super !! yentha studio la panninga...appadiye real la
theriyuthu...lolz...:) :) nd whr is tat snow fall ??.. hey i wrote my name
in the third pillar - did u check it out..??  and antha chair backside la
nikura akka yaaru..

seri seri tension aagathinga - really nice pics :)


On 7/1/09, Jeevitha sankar <jeevi....@gmail.com> wrote:
> *hi ppl*
> *hope everyone r doin gr8. first of al i'd like to profusely apologise
> everybody for not havin informed u guys abt my trip to europe in the last
> couple of weeks..it was al suddenly planned n implemented. i wanted to tel
> everybody once i get the visa. but then I had hardly two days to pack
> evrythin n leave  . so here is how it went..*
> **
> *i got the visa on a friday n left on the followin sunday... i wanted to
> mail u guys frm there but somethin went wrong with our laptop n it dint
> detect the wifi connections available .. *
> **
> *I left on the 16th to mumbai n frm there took a flight to london. spent a
> couple of days in london and paris.n left to switzerland. stayed there for 3
> days. experienced snow for the first time in life... then spent one day in
> germany n one day in belgium... n on my way back was in mumbai for three
> days...*
> **
> *on the whole the trip was very exciting n was loaded with lots of
> fun.. hav attached a few pics here !! *
> **
> *Jeevs*
> >

Thanks & Regards,

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