Am 20.10.2013 12:42, schrieb Jacob Lindberg:
When a task name is too long, you can't see the whole description, and
you're forced to navigate to the task, hit F2 in order to read it. Or
even worse: you may have to scroll to the right (in the properties pane
to the right). Can I somehow, just as I would do in excel, increase the
row height to always show the full name of the task? (Or at least 3 rows
as default instead of only one?)

The task title is like the subject line of an email - it should be short and crisp. All email clients I know also crop the subject line of an email if it's too long. Even if the title is longer, the first few words of the title should give you a clue what the task is about.

The full description and details should be put into the "notes" field. You can have the notes field in the properties pane auto expand by right clicking on the "Properties" heading, "Configure..." and then check "Edit notes in full panel". Then you don't have to scroll down (I guess you wanted to write "scroll down" in the properties pane?).

-- Christoph

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