Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. There are just a few points I 
would like to add to Steph's words. 

We are receiving quite a lot messages from our users and appreciate all of 
them! Most of the suggestions are the same, so we are aware of the need for 
calendar integration and we do agree that MLO has quite a learning curve 
due to its numerous possibilities, therefore more tutorials are necessary. 
There are also many feature requests for other things. Striving to keep the 
balance between powerful app and uncontrollable monster, we are constantly 
working on adding new features and implementing users' suggestions. We are 
also working on the tutorials and hope to please you with them soon. As for 
the platforms supported, we are equally developing all of them. Here 
<> you can compare the 
features. If you need any help, just let us know.

Steph, thank you for the great answer. We are proud of our strong user 
community helping others discover all tricks in MLO.

On Monday, October 23, 2017 at 12:32:01 PM UTC+3, Doug Linder wrote:
> I am a new user of MLO.  I have purchased licenses for Windows and Android 
> as well as a cloud subscription.  I have to say, it's the best "to-do list" 
> organizer ever - and I've been looking for a LONG time.  It has fantastic 
> features I have never found in any similar app.  I have no complaints about 
> the software's ability to manage tasks.  At that, it excels, and that's why 
> I bought it. But...!  (you knew there was a "but" coming) I do have some 
> comments.  Take this as a compliment - if I didn't think the software had a 
> lot of potential, if I didn't want to keep using it (and possibly recommend 
> it to friends) then I wouldn't be writing this.  I'm spending my valuable 
> time writing in the hopes that someone will notice and pay attention.
> Having said all that, I have to say, it's silly to call it "My LIFE 
> Organized" since it's not organizing my *life*, only my *tasks*.  My 
> *actual* life also includes EVENTS that also need to be organized.  Since I 
> still have to use a separate calendar app, MLO does not meet the standard 
> for what I would consider organizing my LIFE.  You can say that's just 
> semantics, but that's how I feel.  I would desperately love to have one app 
> that not only told me what I needed to get done today, but what events were 
> happening - meetings or whatever - so I could plan for everything.
> Now, I know there are a million calendar apps out there and re-inventing 
> the wheel is stupid, so I would never suggest it.  Integration with third 
> parties is the way to go.  And I think I have read - somewhere! - that MLO 
> has some kind of ability to display events from Google Calendar, which 
> would be fantastic.  But for the life of me, after hours of searching, I 
> can't find any mention of it anywhere.  All I have is a vague memory that I 
> once read something about it somewhere.  Either it does not exist, or the 
> people who make MLO have done a piss-poor job of making the feature known.  
> It's not in the very lame and dated manual, nor is it explained anywhere 
> that is easily available (FAQ etc).  The video tutorials are OK as far as 
> they go, which is not very far, covering only the most basic 
> introductions.  For a product this complex, they should be far more 
> detailed. They are only simple feature demonstrations and introductory 
> material, nothing to really show you how to use the full power and advanced 
> features.  I suppose with time, over the years, and with enough reading of 
> the manual I can figure out more or less what I need it to do, but it sure 
> would be nice to not have to put in all that effort and instead watch 
> videos about tips, tricks, and efficient use of features.
> I have this to say to the people who make MLO: yes, I know all you Apple 
> people exist in your own little bubble and think everyone who doesn't use 
> apple products are sub-human.  Fine, be that way.  But if you're going to 
> sell Windows and Android versions of your software, then SUPPORT THEM.  2/3 
> of your online videos (youtube) are for IOS and Macs.  Most all of your 
> blog posts are oriented at Apple products.  You have no user support 
> discussion forums on your web site, just this ridiculously hard to find 
> Google Group.  You have no documentation, or if you do have it, you do a 
> shitty job of pointing new users at it.  Do you want to succeed?  To make 
> money?  Then wake up and smell the coffee - MOST people use non-Apple 
> products.  That's where the market share is.  Cater to us too, not only 
> them.
> 1) Lives are heavily influenced by EVENTS in those lives.  If you want to 
> organize a life and not just tasks, work on integration with 
> non-proprietary calendar formats like Google Calendar, not just Outlook. 
> Though Outlook is popular, even so, MOST people do not use it, even Windows 
> users.  Deal with that..  You don't have to make MLO a calendar app, but it 
> needs to work with them.  In short; iCal support.
> 2) The PDF manual has a copyright date of 2015 - WTF?  Is that the last 
> time you updated it?
> 3) MOST people do not use Apple products.  Sorry, that is reality.  Deal 
> with it.
> 4) You have native Windows and Mac versions - how about Linux?  We Linux 
> users may be fewer in number, but we have money and clout, and are 
> definitely looking for quality nativbe apps.  You have the opportunity to 
> be first in this space and become a Killer App.  Consider that.  It may be 
> a smaller market, but you could have 100% of it since there is no 
> competition.

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