
I have been finding a psychological problem with using just one "Next 
Action" for each project.

Part of the problem is that as a core principle, it seems that the more 
times I look at something and fail to execute it, the harder that task 
gets. i.e. The more I put something off, the higher its psychological 
'resistance' becomes.

So what I find is that if I fail to execute that any given next action 
within a few days, it suddenly becomes much harder - stupidly hard to 
execute. And if I only have ONE next action for each project, then the *whole 
project* becomes blocked because of individual "stupidly high resistance" 
next actions.

In fact, over time, it's all too easy to end up with lots of important 
projects being blocked in this way.

The honest truth is that personally I find it all too easy for important 
stuff to get put off for no good reason. And I find that it gets put off 
for the bad reasons that 
- it's not urgent (yet), 
- nobody is chasing me for it (yet) and 
- part of me doesn't want to do it yet because it's hard. 
But what is worse is that having looked at it a few times and failed to do 
it, I now start to have the habit of failing to execute that task.

[ASIDE: It turns out I am not alone in this procrastination. Did you ever 
see Tim Urban's TED talk on this? 

One solution is of course to have *more than one* Next Action per Project. 
The problem is that although MLO has a "Next Action per Project" view, 
there is absolutely no way (that I am aware of) to get individual tasks 
that are not technically the next action within their MLO Project to appear 
on any "Next Actions per project" view in MLO.

The result that I don't normally use this Next Actions view, at all. 

Instead, I flag up tasks for today manually (using Stars). The down-side of 
course of this method is that once I've ticked those tasks off as 
completed, there is no next task automatically on my list, so the project 
can stall again for that reason. 

Also, if I make too many next actions for each project visible on any given 
day, then either 
A) I can become overwhelmed by too much stuff on my screen at once OR 
B) if I fail to complete them all within 2 or 3 few days, 
their psychological 'resistance' can soon start to build... and I now start 
to become numbed to seeing some of those tasks... and they fail to call me 
to action. 
C) Or both!

Yes, I have experimented with "Complete Subtasks In Order" but in practice, 
I wind up getting confused with tasks being hidden from me accidentally and 
I wind up living in "All Tasks" views, that are of course cluttered up with 
stuff I have deliberately wanted hidden from view for now. 

Yes I have experimented with creating multiple sub-projects within a 
Project, but I find that fiddly & very artificial. I find it easy to get 
confused about what really is a Project and what is just a way to get tasks 
to appear on my Next Actions view!

Am I alone in wanting some simple way to flag up individual tasks to appear 
in the Next Actions view?


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