I'm kind of in the same boat.  I started yesterday making sure everything 
is captured.  I got my email inboxes to zero (b/c they have been creeping 
up) with all the tasks that were in them as email as tasks in MLO now.  I 
have my 100 post its that have accumulated back in MLO and am down to just 
today's postits.  I still like working with my postits.  Number 1 problem 
was MLO is my main system and was not complete so I couldn't trust it.

Last time I got in this state I reorganized my MLO tree. I have as top 
level folders: Procedures to Copy (for irregular routines), 
Followup/Waiting, Routines, One time, Skills/Practice, Reference, Someday 
Maybe (this is more like probably not ever but didn't want to lose my 
outline of tasks just in case).  Here is the change I made in The One time 
folder I have each area broke down under Personal and Work.  Under each 
area I have Active Tasks which include anything I am working on now and 
anything with a date attached.  Then I have a Prioritized folder where I 
put everything else for that area that I am not currently working on but 
needs to be done at some point.  One day I will actually prioritize these 
lists so it feeds the next priority as I finish the active tasks.  Until 
then I will have to manually select and move during my Review.  Eventually 
I would like to move my someday maybe under the area it affects also 
instead of it being one big bucket.  

So yesterday I went through and moved as many things as I could out of 
active and into these Prioritized folders which don't show up on my active 
lists.  Or in a couple areas where I have no active tasks they are shown to 
complete in order so the top task is active.

I am not good about doing reviews and I think that is a major issue with my 
system getting out of date.  My new thinking is I have to get my active 
tasks to a smaller number so that reviews are not so time consuming.  
Awhile back I added routines built in that take care of some of the review 
tasks on a daily or weekly basis.  For example at the beginning and end of 
my day I clear off or set up my desk, take inboxes to zero etc.  The review 
I am talking about adding is only to choose next weeks active tasks.

For backlogs which I have several right now.  They aren't hot projects but 
I want to clean them up.  I put a reoccuring tasks in to deal with it.  If 
I have several I put them on different days or I make one dependent on the 
other finishing.  For example I have a folder from an intern that helped a 
few weeks back that I need to go through and figure out what was done and 
what still needs to be done and basically clear out the folder.  I have a 
task that reoccurs daily that says clean out that folder 5 minutes at a 
time.  When it is gone I will delete the task.  As for cleaning up MLO that 
is my only active project under my system heading.  Yesterday's task was to 
capture everything.  I did it as one task but if I didn't do it that way I 
would have made it a daily reoccuring timed task until it was done.  My 
system has tasks, projects and routines just like my work and personal life 

I'm looking forward to others responses b/c I still have too many active 
tasks.  I want to get them down to where I can actually start using the 
app.  Right now it is not helpful at all.

On Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 3:59:35 AM UTC-4, Joel wrote:
> So I think I'm not alone but maybe I am.  Because 'reasons' I've fallen 
> off the wagon keeping up my GTD system.   Have been a long-time mlo user 
> (like v2 or beginning of v3 I think) and have a fairly well formed system 
> (for my use) but it is now stale.   When I say "fallen off the wagon" I 
> mean I've been keeping it all in my head.  Now it's spilling onto post-it 
> notes.  Oh fk, here we go again.
> So it's clearly time to bootstrap myself and get back ON the wagon.  Ok, 
> fine.
> Foundation:  There is a lot of stuff in my existing file.  Some of it may 
> even still be relevant.  Plenty I'm sure has passed, happened, been handled 
> or exploded.  Nonetheless, there is a lot there.
> Problem:  How do I get started using my file again ensuring I see/deal 
> with new current items and not get flooded by the clutter of the 'old' 
> stuff?  (at least till I can make some time and energy to start working 
> through the backlog of it)  
> I've started adding some items in and they are just washed out in the see 
> of overdue/older, higher prio, etc items that my views are fleshing out.
> Any others have dealt with a start/stop event like this?  What strategies 
> did you use?
> I don't necessarily want to have to modify every one of my views 
> (eventually I'll need them back to "normal", right?) so looking for 
> thoughts.
> All ideas welcome.
> I'm on Windows and Android if that that helps/matters.
> Thx.

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