Chuck - wow what a detailed and speedy response. Part of why I have always
loved the MLO community.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 4:55 AM Chuck Waterfield <>

> Hi Mark,
> So here’s what I know from about 8 years in the Mac world.  While needing
> access to Windows. I tried CrossOver and Parallels back then and settled on
> Parallels. Today I did download CrossOver to see if it had advanced much,
> and it hasn’t.  So here’s the situation:
> *CrossOver* is inexpensive ($40) and lightweight (compact footprint). It
> translates *most* of Windows programming on-the-fly so that it runs on the
> Mac. So it also doesn’t need a purchased copy of Windows Operating System.
> It warns you it doesn’t run all Windows apps, and it warns you there may be
> some flaky behavior. I tried it today with MLO and it worked so-so.  A
> number of times it just wouldn’t react to my mouse clicks for a while, and
> then eventually it would wake up and start working again.

Ugh. Funny I tried MLO on Wine when I moved to the Mac 3 computer refreshes
ago - almost 9 yrs now. Wine was a monster for disk space and visuals
didn't work quite right.

> I do a lot of professional work with Windows apps, and I settled on
> *Parallels*, which is a fabulous app.  It runs Windows flawlessly on a
> Mac, so you can have both operating systems running simultaneously. But it
> requires a 70G file sitting on your hard drive and it takes a fair amount
> of RAM to have it open and running while also having Mac apps running. It’s
> also a bit more expensive, about $100/year (I think that is the cost for
> running on 2 computers). It’s rather a bit of overkill to have the
> Parallels/Windows OS running if all you want to do is have small MLO
> accessible.

:-) This later reason is why I want a 32GB Mac (hope Apple is listening)
and a 2 TB drive.

And here’s the (temporary) downside. Parallels doesn’t run (yet) on the M1
> chip. They are working hard and making progress. From what I’ve read, when
> they’re done, you’d be able to run individual Windows apps independently
> (which is something like CrossOver does).  I went ahead and bought the new
> M1 because I have other computers where I can run Windows in the meantime
> if necessary. And hopefully Parallels will be out for M1 before too long.
> But still, it would be nice to have MLO just actually run on a Mac without
> having to fake it. The iPad app really is darn close to satisfying my
> needs, if it would just recognize when I hit some arrow keys!

Perhaps we should send Andrey some roses along with our feature request.


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