
the fatal "MySQL gone away..." error remains outstanding even after i upgraded 3.22.25 
to 3.23.31 just now. i also run mysql_convert_table_format with my database, which 
should have converted all tables to MyISAM format.

does anybody have good idea of working around this? i cannot go on any more!!!


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Huang-Ming 
  Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 9:33 AM
  Subject: MySQL constantly crash on BLOB insertions...

  hi sirs,

  i met a serious bug on inserting a 900+KB data into a LONGBLOB column. 

  the error shows 

   "MySQL server has gone away on executingSQL=
    INSERT INTO ebody(rtime,body,size,subj,pri,froms,tos,ccs,bccs,nattach,msgid) 
    VALUES(date_add(curdate(),interval curtime() hour_second),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "

  it seems occurring only on insertions of "big data", eg. data>500KB. but when the 
  error occurs, it still has NO problem to insert smaller data, eg. 100KB- data. so the
  fault might happen only to big data insertion.

  i'm using MySQL 3.22.25. 

  this is schema of table 'ebody': (it has 75 rows now)

  create table ebody( 
   bid     integer auto_increment not null,
   msgid   varchar(80) not null, 
   body    longtext,  
   length  integer,  
   subj    varchar(128),  
   pri     tinyint,  
   rtime   datetime,  
   froms   varchar(80),  
   tos     text,   
   ccs     text,   
   bccs    text,   
   nattach tinyint,  
   KEY i_msgid (msgid(8)), 
   PRIMARY KEY (bid)

  for your easier insepction, i also attach log message of my application which 
  is a Perl5 script and is NOT running under mod_perl.

  at your earliest convenience, please advise me on how to go on inserting big data
  to this table. eg., should i need to upgrade to 2.23.31 for this problem.

  thanks a lot.
  Peter Pan


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