> I tried the following code:
> CREATE TABLE news (... published date DEFAULT 'NOW()' NOT NULL, 
> ..., showIt ENUM('TRUE') DEFAULT ERROR, ...);
> and I was surprised to get an '0000-00-00' as date after doing a 
> SELECT. I would like that the table put automatically the today's 
> date for every INPUT as default value. What is wrong?

First of all, you're trying to use the STRING 'NOW()' as a
default value in a DATE field. MySQL will try to convert this
string to a date on every insert, fail, and use the zeroed date

Secondly, MySQL does not accept functions as default values.
You should use the function only on INSERT.

> Another question, 'showIt ENUM('TRUE') DEFAULT ERROR' did not 
> work but 'showIt ENUM('TRUE','FALSE') DEFAULT FALSE' worked fine. 
> I would like to have something like bits or boolean values in my 
> table. How to achieve this? Thanks for the help and have a nice day.

ERROR cannot be a default value, unless you specify it as part of
the enumeration. If you need TRUE/ERROR, define ERROR instead of
FALSE. If you need a tri-state value, use 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'ERROR'
as the enumneration values.

... or I don't get what you're trying to do...

/ Carsten
Carsten H. Pedersen
keeper and maintainer of the bitbybit.dk MySQL FAQ

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