How about :

select a.flight_no, a.sequence,
from stop_offs a left join stop_offs b
on b.sequence = a.sequence + 1 and a.flight_no = b.flight_no
where b.sequence is NULL;

Richard Reina wrote:
> Steve,
> I never received Mr. Van Engen's response.  I appreciate your response.
> However, my question remains unanswered.  If you put "sequence" in the
> GROUP BY it does not give you the value that correspond to the MAXIMUM
> sequence.  As a matter of fact I can't find any combination of values
> that you can put in the GROUP BY clause that will give you the values
> that correspond with MAX.  What good is an aggregate function like MAX
> if it does not give you the value ( and only that ) that corresponds to
> that aggregate function.  In this case shouldn't (MAX(sequence)) give
> you only those values that correspond to the maximum sequence for each
> flight which would be:
> +-----------------------------------+
> |flight_no |sequence    |City       |
> | 127      | 2          |Boston     |
> | 391      | 1          |Miami      |
> +-----------------------------------+
> The documentation in the documentation under GROUP BY functions (section
> 7.3.12) seems to advocate this syntax -- specifically with their example
> of querying orders by MAX(payments) -- although they don't show the
> results of their examples.
> If this cannot be done in MySQL will someone with authority on the
> subject -- perhaps Sasha or Monty -- simply say that MySQL cannot
> perform this type of query. If it can be done will someone demonstrate
> how it can be done in MySQL.  I believe I can do it in other DBMSs with
> the following subselect:
> SELECT soo.flight_no, soo.sequence,
>  FROM stop_offs soo     /* That's "stop_offs outer" */
>  WHERE soo.sequence =
>   (select max(soi.sequence)
>       FROM stop_offs soi   /* "stop_offs inner" */
>       where soi.flight_no = soo.flight_no )
> however, it is my understanding that MySQL does not support subselects.
> I have once again included a copy of the table below.
> Once again, thank you for your attention in this matter.
> Here is the table:
> +------------------------------+
> |          STOP_0FFS           |
> +------------------------------+
> |127       |Chicago  |    1    |
> |127       |Boston   |    2    |
> |391       |Miami    |    1    |
> +------------------------------+
> SELECT flight_no, MAX(sequence), city FROM stop_offs GROUP BY flight_no;
> gives the result:
> +-----------------------------------+
> |flight_no |sequence    |City       |
> | 127      | 2          |Chicago    |
> | 391      | 1          |Miami      |
> +-----------------------------------+
> However Chicago is the city of the first stop off (sequence 1) not the
> value that corresponds with a sequence of 2 which would be 'Boston'.
> The desired result is the following:
> +-----------------------------------+
> |flight_no |sequence    |City       |
> | 127      | 2          |Boston     |
> | 391      | 1          |Miami      |
> +-----------------------------------+
> Steve Ruby wrote:
> >
> > Your question was answered already after you posted it on Saturday
> > by Fred van Engen...
> >
> > Basicaly you should not be able to do a group by without perfoming an
> > aggregate function (max, avg, sum, count) on columsn that do not
> > appear on the "GROUP BY" clause.
> >
> > Richard Reina wrote:
> > >
> > > I posted this question to this list on Saturday.  I realize that not
> > > everyone on the list knows whether this query is possible using MySQL.
> > > However, if I could please here back from someone who does know, I would
> > > appreciate it.  I'm getting flack from informix ( and other DBMS ) users
> > > on my perl user list who are now doubting whether I can get it to work
> > > in MySQL.  I have great confidence in MySQL and believe there must be a
> > > way to get the query to work. I have searched through my MySQL/mSQL
> > > O'Reilly book and in the user manual (specifically GROUP BY functions
> > > (section 7.3.12)). Can someone please help me out?
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