-------- Original Message --------
From: "Matthew P. Marino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: So, what do you do with a "tarball" anyways.
To: Steve Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm trying to prove/disprove the viability of the MySQL/PHP/Apache triad in
order to get funding for the "real" project. The machine I'm trying to configure
on is underconfigured. It is running FreeBSD4 with Apache 1.3.17. I'm getting
ready to compile PHP4 but want to get MySQL going first so when I use the
--with-MySQL flag in PHP's configure, it will find what it needs. I ran
/configure -with-low-memory for MySQL 3.23.33 but lost patience after watching
it do 38+ hours of frantic disk swapping. I went to www.mysql.com and followed
the seemingly most obvious path to downloads. There, i saw the section which
says "Binary (tarball) distributions". I downloaded the item for FreeBSD. Only,
it's not a "gz" it's not a "tar", I don't know what it it is. If there is a
place where I can find binaries that are the more common gzipped tape archives
I'd be pleased as punch. There's more than enough references to installing from
binary distributions. I use BerkeleyDB with Apache,perl and php at home on
FreeBSD. It was nowhere near this much trouble to gather and compile. I built
the kernel, compiled and configured and wrote a php test page in one(albeit
long) night on a 233PII with a 2GB HD that only has a 64MB swap partition. I'm
just a little frustrated at this point. I'd be happiest if I could get MySQL to
compile. I've seen references to running the compile step for yacc seperately,
then running "make" but no one seems to offer up the obvious statements as to
how to do that. i.e. I have tried to type exactly what I see on the "make"
output but it's not a valid command (unless it needs to be run from /bin/sh). My
ulimit settings are all wide open,"ulimit -h". I'm wondering if the fact that
the process doesn't error means that it's still working at some snails pace. If
that's reasonably certain, I'm willing to go for the world record. I'll let it
run for a week and see what happens. 

Steve Ruby wrote:
> "Matthew P. Marino" wrote:
> >
> > So, what do you do with a "tarball" anyways. Since compiling the source is
> > hopless( "sql_yacc.cc"), I'm looking for a binary.
> >
> then download the binary.. Or at least do a better job of describing your
> problem...
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