Greetings and salutations,

MySQL Supports FKs. A FK is a table's PK value, stored in another table in
order to relate the records together. It does NOT support FK CONSTRAINTS.
(Cascading deletes, restricts, etc.)

...and now for the opinion portion of our show...
For all the of databases I've worked on for the past 16 years, this is not a
deal killer.  It just means that I, as the developer, have to do my job. IN
a LOT of ways,  FK constraints are bad, evil things that were designed so
programmers could slack.  :) Kidding, of course, but if not implemented
properly, they can cause problems and they ALWAYS cost performance.

Currently, my largest MySQL databases is a whopping 30 tables!  (ok, so I'm
not working on a grand scale here!)  But 90% of my tables have FKs in them
from other tables. The only difference between this database and it's MSSQL
sibling (I'm porting) is that I have to manually cascade my deletes. But
since my license for MSSQL was going to be $5k+ this year, it's worth it!

Stored Procedures, IMHO, should be a much higher priority for the
development team.


-----Original Message-----
From: gopinath [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 3:16 AM
Subject: Technical Clarification


  We are doing a project with combination of ASP & MYSQL (backend).
We are having some problem for setting relationship between the tables.
We have to know whether foreign key will be supported in MySQL and we came
to know that there is no use for foreign key(as per your documentation:  The
FOREIGN KEY, CHECK, and REFERENCES clauses don't actually do anything. The
syntax for them is provided only for compatibility, to make it easier to
port code from other SQL servers and to run applications that create tables
with references.)

pls.. let us know whether we can use foreign key to access master table
in child tables. if there is any possiblity pls... provide solution for us.

awaiting ur reply, at the earliest.


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