Boyd E. Hemphill wrote:
>But, some select and replace statements are taking an unusually long
>time.  These seem to revolve around a couple of tables that are
>written to and read from very often. 

>innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:15G:autoextend

>We are running Gentoo Linux 2.6.4 on a dual AMD Opteron machine with
>3.5 GB of memory and a RAID 1+0 disc array.
>We are using the InnoDB storage engine.  
>The DB contains about 160 tables.
>The DB is about 50GB in size.

This might be a long shot, but is InnoDB getting slowed down by
extending its tablespace?  You've got more data than your initial ibdata
file will hold, so clearly it autoextended to hold your data.

I think InnoDB extends in 10M increments, so if you're doing lots of
inserts it could be repeatedly extending the file which seems like it
would add some overhead.


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