At 12:42 2004-09-08, you wrote:

We have installed MySQL 4.0 on a dedicated Windows Server 2003. I have the MySQL server running
and it appears all is set to go minus one problem. We need to move a MySQL database from the old
host to this server. To do that, I want to use a GUI - preferably DBACentral. However; I am unable
to connect to the mySQL server that I have set-up.

You mean the new one, right? The one You just set up?

I have tried everything but the GUI will not let me connect.

If You're _certain_ that it is the DBACentral that does not let You connect, I would presume the misconfiguration is there.

I am not convinced that the 3306 port is open

Find out. On the 2003 server run netstat and see... If You have the proper tools installed, You can `netstat -an|grep 3306` - that is what I would do first.

because I tried putting the DBACentral
GUI on the Web Server which allowed me to connect to the local MySQL database (which I cannot
connect to from my desktop) but I then could not connect to the one we need to move (which I
can connect to from my desktop).

OK, so we have _three_ MySQL servers now: 1 old, 1 new and one on the web server, right? And You need to move from old to new, the webserver one does not enter into this, right? The fact that You can connect to the webserver one from localhost is a sensible precaution: after all, only the webserver has a legitimate need to make connections to it.

I think You have allowed access to Your database from only the localhost. You need to create user "accounts" on the DB that are allowed remote access. Of course after You verify that:
- the DB starts and does not complain
- which port the listener is active on

This is all covered in the post-install tasks in the manual and takes but a few minutes (assuming just simple setup).

Does anyone have experience with configuring MySQL for Windows 2003? If so, please let me know.
I would like to hire you to get this configured correctly so we can connect remotely and move
this database. United States people only and you must be able to get it done ASAP - preferably today.
Please contact me if you are interested.

In a wider scope: what are the MySQL versions of the "old" and "new" DBs? Can't You use mysqldump or just set up replication, use the "old" until You're convinced that "new" works to Your satisfaction, and cut it over then?



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