
It looks like you upgraded from a MySQL that doesn't know about

All the tables created with a version of MySQL that doesn't know about
collation are considered by a version that does know... being of collation
"latin1_swedish_ci"... (on columns where collation makes sense... I hope
this is implied...)

If you created the tables under 4.1.8... then ... then there is a problem...
are you sure MySQL is reading your CNF ? Is there another CNF that overrides
the one that has the desired settings ?

If not... then you will need to ALTER the table(s)... but be carefull...
ALTER them in 2 steps... ALTER all the columns in the table to a BINARY data
type... then ALTER the table's collation to the desired one... finaly ALTER
all columns back but now using the desired collation !!!

Hope this helps !

Gabriel PREDA

----- Original Message ----- 
> Hi,
> I am using mysql  Ver 14.7 Distrib 4.1.8, for pc-linux (i686)
> When running a certain query I get the following error:
> DBD::mysql: t execute failed: Illegal mix of collations
> (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) and (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation
> 'find_in_set'
> I do not understand why I have a mix of collations since in the my.cnf I
> indicate:
> [mysqld]
> default-character-set = utf8
> default-collation = utf8_general_ci
> Where is the latin1_swedish_ci coming from? why isn't default-collation
> overwriting it?
> Appreciate any help.
> Thanks
> Dana

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