Mahmoud Badreddine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/17/2005 03:16:47 

> Hello,
> I imported tow tables from an Access database to MySql.
> Call them table1 and table2. 
> Both tables came with unique identifiers (ID1 for table1 and ID2 for
> table2)which were generated automatically as a regular integer
> index(0,1,2...N-1) for an N set of data. I would like to get rid this
> type of unique identifier.
> I created a primary  key in table1 called "mainID". I then created a
> new column in table2 also called mainID which will contain the
> information of the new primary key which I created.
> I then issued the following mySql command:
> update table2 set table2.mainID=table1.mainID where 
> I get the following error
> ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'ID1' in 'where clause'
> Somehow  it doesn't recognize any columns from table1.
> Your help is greatly apreciated...
> Further explanation for my query:
> My reasoning for the condition is : for each row in table2 with a
> certain value for ID1, find the matching value in table1for ID1. Then
> take the corresponding mainID value on that row and stick it in that
> row in table2.
> I hope that was enlightening rather than more confusing.
> -- 
> -Mahmoud Badreddine

You didn't tell your UPDATE statement anything about table1 as a source of 
data but you tried to use it in your WHERE clause. This will do what you 

update table2 INNER JOIN table1 on table2.ID1=table1.ID1 set 

For more information on forming UPDATE statements:

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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