
  Mysql-3.23.37  with  latest patch (patch of the patch from Heikki :)
  ) under Solaris 2.8 (SPARC 64bit).

  I have a table :

CREATE TABLE mybuffer (
  id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  bourse char(3) NOT NULL default '',
  service varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
  date datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  data text,
  PRIMARY KEY  (id),
  KEY id_bourse (bourse),
  KEY id_date (date)
) TYPE=Innobase;

mysql> desc mybuffer;
| Field   | Type             | Null | Key | Default             | Extra          |
| id      | int(10) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL                | auto_increment |
| bourse  | char(3)          |      | MUL |                     |                |
| service | varchar(10)      |      |     |                     |                |
| date    | datetime         |      | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |                |
| data    | text             | YES  |     | NULL                |                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  If I look for distinct 'bourse' :

mysql> select distinct bourse from mybuffer;
| bourse |
| NAS    |
| PAR    |
2 rows in set (0.75 sec)

  If I want to know the number of rows with 'bourse' equal to 'NAS' :

mysql> select count(*) from mybuffer where bourse='NAS';
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


  If I remove the count() :

mysql> select * from mybuffer where bourse='NAS';
| id     | bourse | service | date                | data                               
|            |
| 122429 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TCHBS?0138.95?4153600?7118:46:34?51300         |
| 122430 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TASML?0126.55?41856100?7118:46:34?511000       |
| 122431 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TINTC?0129.8?431331600?7118:46:34?51100        |
| 122432 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TBEAS?0138.87?47440700?7118:46:34?51200        |
| 122433 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TINTC?0129.8?431332100?7118:46:34?51500        |
| 122434 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TBEAS?0138.9?47440900?7118:46:34?51200         |
| 122435 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TMCSI?0117.8?4130800?7118:46:34?512500         |
| 122436 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TMSFT?0170.54?432247800?7118:46:34?513100      |
| 122437 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TXOXO?014.89?425024700?7118:46:34?51800        |
| 122438 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TMSFT?0170.54?432248500?7118:46:34?51700       |
| 122439 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:34 | 
|TMXIM?0147.95?41768500?7118:46:34?511000       |
| 123155 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:45 | 
|TMYGN?0147.85?4476900?7118:46:45?51100         |
| 123156 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:45 | 
|TNITE?0118.4?41775300?7118:46:45?51100         |
| 123157 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:45 | 
|TSEBL?0144.05?48318200?7118:46:45?51200        |
| 123158 | NAS    | live    | 2001-04-26 18:46:45 | 
|TNWAC?0125.18?4265600?7118:46:45?51100         |
730 rows in set (0.03 sec)


  I've not yet tried to find if this is only a bug on this table or if
  I  can repeat it on another table. But I can repeat these answers on
  this table.


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