On 24/11/2005, Lowell Allen wrote:

> but I'm looking for a way to convert the short hash values into 
> comparable long hash values. 

This is (fortunately) *not* possible.

> Apparently the upgrade procedure can successfully convert
> short-to-long hash values for MySQL user passwords 

It doesn't. It uses the old method for old passwords and the new one
for new passwords. Look up the OLD_PASSWORD() function.

> Any practical advice greatly appreciated.

You can use OLD_PASSWORD() for old passwords (16 chars) and PASSWORD()
for new passwords (41 chars, starting with a '*').

Since you are receiving the password from the user when he/she logs in,
you can add some logic to your login procedure to change the password
to the new hashing.

P.S.: This is exactly why MySQL AB advises against the use of
PASSWORD() for your own authentication.


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