Paul DuBois wrote:
At 17:56 -0500 1/28/06, Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
I have two tables, registration & schedules, that look like this:
CREATE TABLE registration (
                        id                    SERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE,
                        firstname        VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
                        middlename    TEXT,
                        lastname        VARCHAR(256),
                        suffix              TEXT,
schedule_id INTEGER REFERENCES schedules(id),

CREATE TABLE schedules (
                       start_date     DATE NOT NULL,
                       end_date       DATE NOT NULL,

The registration table above references the the schedules table via the schedule_id. Why does MySQL allow a row created in the schedules table be DELETED if it has a matching schedule_id in the registration table. These two tables share a relationship based on registration.schedule_id & I've tried this same syntax in PostgreSQL and it doesn't allow the record to be deleted without first removing any records in the registration table which carry a matching schedule_id record. Isn't that the point of a relational database?- TO CHECK RELATIONSHIPS between tables and enforce that those relationships aren't broken? I find it disappointing that MySQL ignores this relationship.

Add ENGINE = InnoDB to the end of your table definitions.
Foreign keys are supported only for InnoDB tables in MySQL.

I am using InnoDB. I use MySQL Administrator and InnoDB is what it says all my tables are already using so it must have chosen that by default or something. Does this mean that I shouldn't have been able to delete records from my schedules table above that had a foreign key in the registration table? Thanks.


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