May be the mysqld server has exceeded max-connections, and is therefore not
able to serve any clients ( but you should have a log for that), is this
your server, and does this happen at peak times, and what happens after the
circle, mysqld just dies ....

Kishore Jalleda

On 3/7/06, Karl Schock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> my problem: I run a phpbb-Forum with a mysql database on a linux
> server.
> Every 5 - 7 days the mysql database runs in a vicious circle:
> "mysqladmin --user=x --password=y ping" says that the "connect failed".
> The socket /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock is there.
> "ps aux | grep mysqld" shows me some mysqld-processes. But one of them
> is marked as "<defunc>".
> To find the reason causing the problem I started mysqld with the
> "--log"-option and the "--log-error"-option as recommended by others
> to me at
> Now I have a log-file, but as far as I can judge it there
> are no error-messages in the log-file but only innocent queries.
> The mysqld.err-log-file is allways empty (0 Bytes).
> What else can I do to observe myslqd?
> If this mailing list is not the right place to ask such
> questions please let me know.
> Bye
> Karl
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