Cory at SkyVantage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/10/2006 03:52:56 PM:

> I need help, I'm somewhat new to indexing, I am joining two tables and 
> need to optimize the speed of the query. I'm running the NDB storage 
> engine so the foreign key stuff is disabled.  With that in mind, here's 
> the query and additional comments below:
> SELECT COUNT(*) Count FROM pnr_passengers pax INNER JOIN pnr_status 
> status ON pax.ID = status.ID_passengers INNER JOIN pnr_seg
> ments ps ON status.ID_segments = ps.ID WHERE status.res_status='0' AND 
> ps.origin='SJU' AND ps.destination='SIG' AND ps.flight_
> date='2006-03-10' AND ps.flight_number='218';
> Field types
>     pax.ID, bigint  (keyfield, indexed)
>     status.ID, bigint (keyfield, indexed)
>     ps.ID, bigint (keyfield, indexed)
>     status.res_status, int
>     ps.origin, char(3)
>     ps.destination, char(3)
>     ps.flight_date, date
>     ps.flight_number, int
> As you can see I'm joining three tables here each having a one-to-many 
> relationship with each other
>     pnr_passengers -one to many with- pnr_status
>     pnr_status -one to many with- pnr_segments
> Here's an EXPLAIN with \G:
> *************************** 1. row ***************************
>            id: 1
>   select_type: SIMPLE
>         table: status
>          type: ALL
> possible_keys: NULL
>           key: NULL
>       key_len: NULL
>           ref: NULL
>          rows: 100
>         Extra: Using where
> *************************** 2. row ***************************
>            id: 1
>   select_type: SIMPLE
>         table: pax
>          type: ref
> possible_keys: PRIMARY
>           key: PRIMARY
>       key_len: 8
>           ref: W4_AirlineData.status.ID_passengers
>          rows: 1
>         Extra:
> *************************** 3. row ***************************
>            id: 1
>   select_type: SIMPLE
>         table: ps
>          type: ref
> possible_keys: PRIMARY
>           key: PRIMARY
>       key_len: 8
>           ref: W4_AirlineData.status.ID_segments
>          rows: 1
>         Extra: Using where
> Any help you anyone can provide as to the best way to create these 
> index's that'd be great!  This is an OFTEN used query in our software 
> and the tables with have many rows.
> Cory

Can you post the results of "SHOW CREATE TABLE pnr_segments", please?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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