
We have tables of 1.5M rows 25 fields, in heavy use with frequent inserts
and updates on a P4 with 1GB of RAM. Performance is fine, and the table size
is 400MB, so you should not have any problems.


On 29/05/06, Chris W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Harish TM wrote:

> hi...
>       I need to store something like a couple of million rows is a MySql
> table. Is that ok or do I have to split them up. I intend to index
> each of
> the columns that I will need to access so as to speed up access.
> Insertion
> will be done only when there is very little or no load on the server and
> time for this is not really a factor. I also do not have any
> constraints on
> disk space.      Please let me know if I can just use MySql as it is
> or if I
> need to make some changes

I have a table with around 900,000 rows and I know others have tables
with many millions of rows, I think I read some even have tables with
billions or rows.  The limitation you hit is generally because of your
OS.  Most OSs have an upper limit on file size.  Since a table is stored
in a file, that file size limitation of the OS is what generally limits
the table size.  In which case the number of rows depends on the size of
the rows.

Chris W

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