On Mon, 2006-08-14 at 05:43 -0700, Steffan A. Cline wrote:
> Here is a better example
> mysql> select listName from listItem limit 3;
> +-------------+
> | listName    |
> +-------------+
> | PWC         |
> | Small Boats |
> | Fiberglass  |
> +-------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
> mysql> 
> Rather than return 3 rows I would like the data retruned as
> mysql> select listName from listItem limit 3;
> +------------------------------+
> | listName                     |
> +------------------------------+
> | PWC, Small Boats, Fiberglass |
> +------------------------------+
> 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

Seems like what you want is to concat everything into 1 line separated
by Commas?
Hmm.. Not very sure how to get that done.

Is there anything which is unique about each item in the list?

Please Send to the Maillist as you will get more response from more
knowledgeable people there.

> > Not sure how your row are. is it really marked as Row1/Row2/Row3?
> > If yes, you can use a case expression.
> > 
> > select
> > case when row=row1 then row else null end as mechanic ,
> > case when row=row2 then row  else null end as carpenter,
> > end

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