At 11:36 AM 4/23/2007, Drew Burchett wrote:
I have a mysql v 5.0 server running on Suse Linux 10.1.  It has been
running steadily and properly for several months now.  However, when I
came in this morning, my network card in the machine was bad.  I
replaced the card and reconfigured the network, but ever since then, I
can only connect to mysql by using localhost.  If I try to connect using
the IP address, it simply hangs.  If I do a netstat -aln | grep '3306',
it shows mysql listening on all IP addresses, and it shows the
connection to itself with the flag SYN_SENT.  But that's as far as it
goes.  I've restarted the machine several times in vain hopes that it
might kickstart something.  I've also tried connecting from other
machines, which seems to work perfectly.  Any suggestions on how to
proceed troubleshooting this?

Reconfigured the network. . .Is it possible that the old IP address is no longer the one assigned to the machine? DHCP? Just a thought.


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