very wisely taken topic "mysql error." ...

Ananda Kumar schrieb:
> [...]
> I cleared some old bin-logs and when i restart mysql using "mysqld_safe"
> [...]
> InnoDB: using the same InnoDB data or log files.
> InnoDB: Unable to lock /data/mysql/ibdata1, error: 11
> InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process
> InnoDB: using the same InnoDB data or log files.
> InnoDB: Unable to lock /data/mysql/ibdata1, error: 11
> InnoDB: Check that you do not already have another mysqld process
> InnoDB: using the same InnoDB data or log files.
> 070620 21:51:09  InnoDB: Unable to open the first data file
> InnoDB: Error in opening /data/mysql/ibdata1
> 070620 21:51:09  InnoDB: Operating system error number 11 in a file
> operation.
> InnoDB: Error number 11 means 'Resource temporarily unavailable'.
> InnoDB: Some operating system error numbers are described at
> InnoDB:
> InnoDB: Could not open or create data files.
> InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here,
> InnoDB: you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back
> InnoDB: to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created
> InnoDB: in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of
> InnoDB: zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not
> InnoDB: remove old data files which contain your precious data!

did you do the above mentioned?
remove old ibdata file?

also check permissions


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