I have a database table paycheck like this.
empno, date,         gross,      fed_with
1234 "2007-09-01" 1153.85 108.26
1323 "2007-09-01" 461.54     83.08
1289 "2007-09-01" 1153.85   94.41
1234 "2007-09-15" 1153.85  108.26
1323 "2007-09-15" 491.94      87.18
1289 "2007-09-15" 1153.85    94.41

I can easily do a query like this

select (SUM(gross) * .153) + SUM(fed_with) FROM paycheck where

But then I have to do a query for each pay date in the pay period.

Accordingly, what would be really useful on a day like today would be to be
able to do a query like the following:

select (SUM(gross) * .153) + SUM(fed_with) FROM paycheck where DATE IS

Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks for the help.


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