
You probably need to start with a clean slate. Do a complete resync and start the slave back up from a known stopping point.


Naufal Sheikh wrote:

Just a small question. I had mysql replication configured on my master and
slave server. Due to some issues ( when I was on vacations ), logging on
master server was switched off and server restarted. Now my question is that
in order to resysnc my master and slave correctly, do I need to copy the
master database again to slave and then turn on logging and start slave
again, or by just enabling the logging again, slave will resync from last
known state. I believe that if the logging on master was switched off, it
will have no record of the changes made to database and I will need top
recopy the database, but just to confirm or if there is any simpler way.


B. Keith Murphy

Paragon Consulting Services

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